When we’re on the road, we still have to work! I can set up my Web Design office just about anywhere as long as my Verizon Hot Spot can get a connection. And Mike can have our solar/mobile office set up in 5 minutes or less! Here’s one of the cool places we’ve set up shop on the road… Hot Springs State Park in Thermopolis, Wyoming. Founded in 1897, Thermopolis got its name from the geothermal hot springs under its feet (and probably under our feet as we sit here in this park!). Just behind us at the other end of the park, you can swim in the mineral-laden geothermal waters and kayak or fish in the Big Horn River. What a gorgeous place. The caretakers of this park do an immaculate and beautiful job at maintaining this lush landscape. The grass was like carpet. Not a bad view for a day in the office!
***Be sure to click the play button above to watch the video or watch it on YouTube here!!!
And with our solar panel set-up, we’re able to work off the grid. Free power from the sun! Here we are charging up our small, portable solar generator due to a perfect day of sun. Mike has the solar panel positioned just right to bring in the solar power, and on this day we had about 20 amps coming in. We were able to plug in our portable hard drive to the 110 plug on the solar generator, which allowed us to download photos from our trip. We can also charge our phones and other devices and run the laptop. Whew! What a lifesaver.
Our two mascots, our beloved furry friends, like working in these conditions, too. We loved this location so much, we set up our mobile office here on 3 separate occasions during our trip through Wyoming.
If you get the chance to take your office outside, a few simple tools can allow for an easier time of it. Stay tuned for reviews on the tech items we use to make this happen.
See you on down the road,
Mike & Shannan